A comprehensive E/E systems development solution
Modern E/E systems are characterized by a huge growth in complexity and depend on integrated electrical, electronic, and software systems for innovation while demanding robust verification and traceability. Many industries suffer from outdated, disconnected, and siloed product development methods. Companies are looking for new product development processes and tools that enable them to blur these boundaries across domains and through the product life cycle. To address these challenges Siemens has developed Capital, a comprehensive E/E systems development solution to efficiently engineer today’s smart products. It covers the design, manufacture, and service of electrical systems as well as encompassing E/E system and software architectures, network communications, and embedded software development.
A comprehensive E/E systems development solution for complex platforms in industries as diverse as automotive, aerospace, and adjacent industries

E/E Data Management & Integrations
Manage data, control processes, and use integrations to provide a comprehensive development flow. Manage changes and configurations, both between domains within the product development process and with all major MCAD and PLM tools.

E/E Systems Definition & Optimization
Optimize electrical and electronic (E/E) architectures against targets such as cost, weight, and bandwidth. Define and consolidate functions. Create and analyze electrical, electronic, embedded software, and network specifications.

Electrical Document Publication & Use
Re-use design data to create technical publications, document design changes, and enable electrical diagnostics and troubleshooting. Automate publication tasks such as wiring diagram repartitioning and graphics styling with multi language support.

Electrical Systems Engineering
Design and simulate electrical distribution systems with interactive logical system and wiring design, as well as automated generative engineering. Integrate and verify electrical system implementations. Optimize electrical complexity, use live metrics, and advanced design rule checks to analyze electrical systems.

Embedded Software Design
Effectively design, test, and deploy on-board software by following a model-based approach in a common environment for system and software engineers. Develop accurate, verified software architectures. Design, simulate, implement, and verify software components. Create ‘software contracts’ to improve downstream software quality.

Embedded Software Implementation
Develop embedded software for automotive electronic control units (ECUs) that satisfy functional safety and cybersecurity requirements. Integrate AUTOSAR basic and application software. Simulate and verify embedded software implementations. Configure AUTOSAR embedded software and enable ECU flashing.

Harness Design & Engineering
Design, engineer, and verify electrical harnesses for manufacture. Optimize harness costing, manufacturing, and assembly processes to boost performance, throughput and profitability. Develop accurate and optimized harness manufacturing documentation to increase efficiency.

Harness Manufacturing Engineering
Accurately design, optimize and cost the manufacturing processes, labor, material, and resources required to produce harnesses. Managing these complex, interdependent objectives requires specialized tools to help companies to optimize all of these aspects of harness manufacturing.

Network Design
Design ‘right-sized’ communication networks with detailed timing analysis. Optimize and verify network designs to ensure quality and accelerate development. Deliver accurate communication network implementation.