SEE Electrical Software functionalities & Versions :


–Project manager

–Real-time lists for: components, terminals, parts, contacts, cables, cable cores, wires, PLC I/Os, documents

–Filtering/sorting into lists + storing the filter or sorting

–Multiple symbol libraries (including IEC) with graphical overview, grouping and searching

–Creation of custom symbols and drawing macros

–Real-time component numbering, generation of cable names and terminal numbers, and cross referencing

–Real time connection and open contacts check up

–Locking of component names, terminals, and wire labels

–Graphical cable definition – including user defined symbols

–Custom project template creation

–Bi-directional compatibility with other CAD systems (DWG, DXF, DXB, DWF and XPS (DWFx))

–Microsoft ActiveX® interface

–Importing of images (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, GIF, PCX and PDF)

–Copying of symbol groups between projects

–Working on multiple projects simultaneously

–Customizable working environment

–Standard CAD drawing facilities and dimensioning capabilities

–Support for hyperlinks on graphics

–Redlining functionality

–512 available layers

–Auto-backup feature

–Export in Enhanced Metafile Format and picture files (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, GIF, PCX)

–Export formats for Weidmüller and other label printers




– All Functionality of SEE ELECTRICAL BASIC, and below

–Integrated equipment database

–Import of manufacturer’s data into equipment database in Microsoft Excel® format

–Display equipment information on components

–Support for finding an equipment with suitable number of contacts for coils and components with auxiliary contacts

–Contact mirror display for coils

–Automatic contact numbering of coils-and components with auxiliary contacts

–Support of automatic renumbering the contacts

–Checking for overloaded contacts in coils-and components with auxiliary contacts

–Completing components like coils, multilevel terminals, connectors, …

–Cable management (cable equipment database)

–Handling of deck terminals, Management of connectors

–PLC I/O manager & PLC operands numbered automatically in several available formats

–Organize diagrams in folder structures

–Function/location management + graphical function/location boxes

–Wire directions display and editing

–User definable numbering method for all elements and references

–Renumbering of entire terminal strips, renumbering of cables

–Find and replace text throughout entire project

–Insertion of pages and deletion of pages gaps

–Duplicate component name check

–Database editors (single entry editing)

–Graphical terminal plan with automatic detection of up to 20 bridge types

–Graphical cable plan including spare cores + wiring list

–Parts list sorted by function/location

–Enable duplicate wire numbering for different sub folders

–Graphical signal management with predefined signal properties /wire numbering in several formats 5


— – All Functionality of SEE ELECTRICAL STANDARD, and below

–Auto Connection

–Draw orthogonal multi-pole wires

–Wire flow direction control (important for wire and wiring list)

–Several sets of types definable for macro/page (-> options)

–Cross-reference navigator (go to) with marking function (come from)

–Navigation from Database and specific Graphical lists to drawings

–Database manager for functions/locations/products /products (aspects) including ability to manage nested aspects

–Importing of PLC assignment lists in Microsoft Excel® format

–Configure project tree allowing for custom graphical and database lists

–User defined lists and components

–Configuration of multicores (within single wire connections)

–Changing of page templates for an entire project or a part of the project

–Copy multiple pages and all sheets of a folder between projects

–Advanced database editors (editing of several entries at once)

–Insert components/terminals not in drawing by list

–Terminal plan with graphics and terminal row picture plan

–Cable terminal row plan

–Connector matrix and plan

–Product assembly list + Compressed BOM + Device list

–Generate all necessary graphical lists in one shot

–Database list/editor with texts from callouts: usable for revision management

–Find and replace symbols throughout current page or entire project

–List and label editor, report generator

–Compare workspaces

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NIHA Solutions

785, HMT Layout, Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore-560097, Karnataka, India

Contact Us: +91-9845211296
