CADprofi Architectural

CADprofi Architectural
Program helps in creating construction drawings, cross-sections and elevations and allows to draw walls, insert doors and windows, create architectural dimensioning and descriptions, as well as, use objects from the library of furniture and other equipment. A unique program feature is the possibility to create evacuation and safety plans.
CADprofi Architectural module can be bought separately or in full CADprofi Suite package, which contains all 4 CADprofi modules for 50% of the price.
Key features
- Drawing of single and multi-layered walls with the ability to define any material and thickness of each wall layer.
- Drawing walls along the selected edge with the possibility to determine the offset from the indicated points or other objects.
- Parametric woodwork (doors, windows, garage doors) with automatic detection of the wall thickness. Plan, cross-section, and elevation views are available. For parametrical objects user can specify any dimensions and properties.
- Dynamic determination of the direction of doors insertion that facilitate the correct positioning
- Automatic defining and marking of rooms with surface calculation.
- Designing of stairs with the possibility of determining the dimensions and number of treads. Various elements of stairs, from which user can build stairs with any number of treads, are available.
- Insertion of roofs with the possibility of calculating surface slopes, roof angles and its height.
- Architectural dimensioning that is suited for construction projects. Program allows user to change styles and dimension units regardless of which designing unit was used in the drawing (e.g. dimensioning in cm of drawing that were prepared in mm). A unique feature is the possibility to convert an ordinary CAD dimensioning into architectural dimensioning.
- Library of furniture, sanitary equipment, household appliances, plants and other.
- Level symbols with automatic filling of indicated points ordinates.
- Architectural symbols: holes, ventilation ducts, carpentry and woodwork markings, terrain slopes, topographic symbols, arrows, general symbols, etc.
- Drawing and editing emergency escape routes and plans.
- Library of symbols, marks and signs from the health and safety, fire protection and public information.
- Designing is done in accordance with designers habits and requirements.
- Metric or imperial units available.
- Tools for full description and projects detailing.
- Automatic numbering of objects.
- A system of quick search of products in the database.
- Access to CAD libraries of many world known manufacturers.
- Possibility to important and add to the program user’s own symbols or objects.
- Automatic layer management and printing styles allows user to achieve prints with predefined line thickness, colours, etc.
- Possibility to define the list of “favourites” that allows to work in accordance with user habits and preferences.
- Possibility of adding your own translations or changing the terminology that is used in the program.
- Smart insertion of objects with the possibility of attaching them to other objects by using the “one-click” technology.
- Intelligent commands that allow for performing quick editing operations on symbols and objects directly in the drawing.
- Possibility to create any diagrams, flowcharts, technological and functional schemes, algorithms.
- Possibility to create bill of materials and specifications that can be either printed or exported to multiple formats including pdf, rtf (doc), xls, xml, csv, html and more.
- Automatic creation of graphical legends.
- On-line help with many illustrations and exemplary videos that explain in details how to use the program.
- On-line update system.
CADprofi OEM
Access to libraries of many well-known electrical and HVAC & Piping manufacturers.
A set of CAD symbols from various industries.
Possibility to buy a single library, whole branch series or a whole set (Suite).
Compatibility with the latest CAD programs.
Possibility to create specifications.
A comprehensive program that help in designing.
Access to libraries of well-known manufacturers.
Extended content of symbols libraries and parametrical objects from many standards.
Designing evacuation, fire and safety plans.
Possibility to extend the databases on your own.
Tools for full description and projects detailing.
Compatibility with the latest CAD programs.
Extended specification creator.
Additional edition commands.
Check out our video tutorials!
Videos show efficient ways to create projects by using the CADprofi Architectural add-on. After seeing these movies, you can continue to “manually” draw in your base CAD program. But will you still want to do it?
Evacuation plans and fire protection installations
CADprofi software is a comprehensive application that helps in designing in both construction and industry, with particular emphasis on plans and systems that ensure the safety of people staying in buildings. Several modules are available that help in designing industry projects related to fire protection and evacuation. CADprofi Architectural module allows for quick drawing of building plans and creation of evacuation, fire protection and safety plans.

The Unicode based user interface supports 24 languages, i.e. English, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
You can easily change the language in the configuration program.
Our software is available through well developed distributors network in many countries, thanks to this you can have direct support in your native language.
Ease of use
CADprofi is a professional parametric CAD application that vastly accelerates design work. The application’s convenient, user-friendly interface makes it possible to fully employ its features immediately, without the need of extensive software training. CADprofi is highly popular among architects and engineers. Less experienced users, who only occasionally work with CAD drawings, also highly praise the accessibility and functionality of our software.

Maximum Compatibility
Tens of thousands of users from all over the world have already chosen the CADprofi package. This is the reason, why we always take care to preserve full compatibility with other CAD applications in every new version of our software. Our applications will automatically configure itself to be optimally compatible with any selected software environment (AutoCAD, ARES, BricsCAD GstarCAD, progeCAD, ZWCAD, IntelliCAD and many more). Drawings created in CADprofi are fully compatible with DWG and DXF formats and can be edited in any CAD application without the need to run and use our software.
Comprehensive Functionality
Architects, engineers and designers use CADprofi to create projects of building construction, piping, plumbing, ventilation, electricity and other industry technology installations as well as the mechanical and structural constructions. The application package is composed of the following modules:
All of the application modules are mutually compatible, and each can be installed separately or in combination with any number of the others. CADprofi has been developed mainly as a tool used in 2D and isometric drawings. The continuously updated library of objects by many industry manufacturers also greatly facilitates 3D design. The software is equipped with a rich array of functions supporting the user at every level of design work: from autonumbering and description system to the bill-of-materials generation and exporting data into many file formats for further editing (including doc, xls, xml and many others).